Full Moon 12/12 Gateway - Sliding Doors / Jumping Timelines

Full Moon 12/12 Gateway - Sliding Doors / Jumping Timelines

I just wanted to connect with you all to share what is happening right now in December and what the amplified energies are bringing in for us. Since 5th December the frequencies of light coming onto the planet have been super strong. The energies are building up for the powerful 12/12 Full Moon Gateway.

This is such an incredible and blessed alignment in the heavens as the number 12 is amplified to a whole new level. Not only do we have a full moon at 12:12am EST, it is the 12th month of the year, and 2019 adds up to a 12 too (2+0+1+9) in numerology so 12 is super amplified this month. In numerology 12 signifies spiritual enlightenment, we talk about the 12 dimensions... 12 being the doorway to the heavens and in complete alignment to our soul path. The number 12 also signifies completion, endings of karmic cycles and stepping more fully onto our cosmic soul path.

I am calling this magical gateway 'Sliding Doors' as this is what was shown to me in meditation this morning. I was shown that we have the opportunity to step into a completely different timeline now if we choose to take the step forward.
The image I was shown was a vision out of the film sliding doors of two different realities playing out at the same time... we get to choose which timeline we will choose. As one door closed, we stepped out into a completely different reality and dimension. I have been sensing this for a while now and also experiencing it in my life and I have called this December the final frontier! I think you get the idea from my bold headers what I am feeling about this monumental time here on Earth... it is time for the final curtain before a new chapter begins.


Energy Transmissions are a beautiful pioneering way of downloading and anchoring into our cells the highest frequencies of light and maximising the energies of these incredible gateways that are available to us. With focused intention, coming together as a group, holding the space for all in our heart ( I work with the highest frequencies and beings of light from the other dimensions) and as we hold the group in love, it enables each participant to completely let go and surrender into the space to receive and be guided through the session.

We then walk through the portal and anchor the frequencies into your field. The frequencies are always amplified tenfold for the group, you are completely bathed in divine love and with channeling and guidance I walk you through to receive the energies.

The light that is anchored into our bodies carries healing energy, new light codes of a higher frequency ( I literally see binary numbers and serial numbers streaming in through the Crown Chakra), Higher Consciousness, Pure Love, Higher Wisdom and Intelligence that awaken dormant energies within, reconnecting and aligning your soul to its true essence. Our very essence is energy, so it is so important to balance and align our energetic bodies. The more we align to our soul presence and blueprint, the more life begins to flow and awaken us to our authenticity, our gifts and higher vibrational opportunities and souls that match our new frequency.

Transmissions are incredibly powerful and have lead to huge shifts in awareness, removal of blocks and obstacles in ones pathway, and opened many new doors and opportunities for people. Transmissions are the future in healing as thousands upon thousands awaken on the planet. These work beyond time and space and are incredibly powerful for the group connecting in. I truly feel blessed to run them.

Neelam Sareen