The Concept of Time

The Concept of Time

I would like you to imagine a life beyond time. Imagine what that would be like… there would be no rushing around trying to get from A to B

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Neelam Sareen
August Downloads and Lions Gate Portal

We are coming up to August. How this year has flown. So much has been happening this year for all of us.

It's been a challenging year for many, lots of cleansing, letting go, understanding of past life lessons, and a realignment of the soul. Yes challenging in many many ways for many souls as we let go of old...

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Neelam Sareen

Today I want to talk about Cancer. I wanted to speak about this subject two years ago, but I didn’t feel people were ready to look at cancer from another viewpoint. Social Media now enables information to be filtered through faster and is helping raise awareness and bring through light rather than being fed by what the media tells us, and what the big advertising campaigns feed our brains using powerful repetitive words, which the brain then ends up believing.

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Energies for 2016

2016 holds the energy of 'ACTION'. Energetically, it is the year of endings and new beginnings. We will be clearing up or closing things that no longer support our truth and vibration. There will be a lot of cleansing going on in the early part of the year... Clearing office space, cleansing and detoxing the body, clearing of our homes, getting rid of furniture, old clothes etc. A real need to energetically 'let go' of the old energy that maybe keeping us stuck and stagnant, and to make space for the new. 

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Neelam Sareen